Food Philosophy
In a world where meals have become increasingly rushed and ready-made, Galilee considers meals an opportunity to be intentional about our health, wellness, and impact on the environment.
Home-cooked meals made with care and quality ingredients taste better, are more nutritious and are more fulfilling to prepare. We aim to create exciting meals that nourish our guests, encourage them to expand their palates, and promote an enjoyable dining experience through sharing it with others.
Using Organic Products
It is important to us to be mindful of our impact on the environment. In an effort to play our part in protecting the planet, and provide food that is healthy and rich in nutrients, we avoid products where we can that have involved the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, growth hormones or antibiotics.
Eating Family Style
Meal times are an opportunity to come together and share good food and conversation in a community setting. We hope to inspire our guests to slow down and enjoy their meals in the company of others.
Buying Local
With modern conveniences it is easy to avoid thinking about where the food we eat actually comes from, and the time and effort that goes into growing vegetables or raising livestock. We aspire to help ourselves and other make the connection with the origins of our food by purchasing local meat and produce whenever possible.
Reducing Waste
Landfills are not an ideal solution for long-term waste management. We try to limit what we are contributing to landfills by buying items in bulk to limit the amount of packaging involved; we compost food scraps made in the kitchen with Full Circle Compost in Minden, NV; we recycle all bottles, cans, cardboard, glass, and paper; when saving food in the kitchen we utilize reusable containers; we are conscious about the amount of food being prepared and use appropriate scraps to make stock for soups and sauces.
Using Whole Ingredients
Much of the nutrition found in food can be lost through excessive processing. We make as much as possible from scratch using whole foods. In this way we can have homemade meals that are more nutritious and taste better too! We routinely make our own bread, granola, salad dressings, sauces, desserts and more.
Sustainable Organic Coffee
We serve the exclusive “Galilee Blend” of coffee from the Alpen Sierra Coffee Roasting Company. It is a tasty cup of joe! Alpen Sierra is a local company with a roasting facility in Carson Valley. They’re certified organic and bring beans from all over the world to be roasted locally. They make a special effort to visit these farms to assess their environmental and social impact.
One-pound bags of Galilee Blend coffee beans are available for sale at camp and from our online Galilee Camp Shop!
The Galilee Cookbook "Breaking Bread"

We are thrilled to have created “Breaking Bread,” Galilee’s illustrated Cookbook with recipes gathered from Galilee chefs Laurie Walsh, Chadwick Clark and Eva La Bonty. There are over 150 pages of recipes accompanied by full-color illustrations from Abbey Gordon. Familiar recipes straight from the Camp kitchen are labeled by difficulty level so cooks of all degrees of experience can indulge in the joy of cooking and eating. These gastronomic delights range from starters to mains and desserts and are healthy and wholesome, just as you experienced them at Camp. Included are vegetarian and gluten-free meals, with suggestions for vegan substitutions. Spiral bound or digital PDF versions are available for sale at camp and from our online Galilee Camp Shop.